How it works?
3 easy steps to register a business name
Check name availability
- Use our free business name search tool to check the availability of your business name.
- Tip: Make sure you spell your new business name correctly!
- Got a question? Online chat support is offered at every stage.
Complete application
- Complete easy online application
- No documents or paperwork needed
- Tip: Make sure to review all the details you have entered in your application
- Finalise payment and submit your application.
- Your application is automatically submitted to all key government agencies
- You’ll automatically receive an email confirmation of your submission
You’ve got mail!
- That’s it you’re done!
- Your business name is registered and your certificate is delivered straight to your inbox within 48 hours.
- If you also applied for an ABN you will receive email notification within 1-2 hours during normal business hours.
- If you ordered any domain names they will be registered immediately.
Ready to launch your business in Australia?
Start today.