Knowledge is power!

Learn more about starting a business in Australia
with our library of helpful facts and resources.

Frequently asked questions

+ What is a business name?

A business name is a name or title under which a person or entity conducts a business.

+ Why do I need a business name?

A business name is the name your business operates under. By law, you need to register a business name if you conduct business under a name other than your own.

+ How do I know if my business name is available?

Check to see if a business name is available by using our business name availability search. Start to register my Business Name now.

+ Do I need an ABN to register a Business Name?

Yes, to register a business name, you will need to have an Australian Business Number (ABN), or be in the process of applying for one. Don’t have an ABN? No worries, we’ll get one registered for you during your business name application for an additional fee of $79.

+ Do I need a name for a partnership?

As an example, if Kathy White partners with Peter Jacobs and they trade as Kathy White and Peter Jacobs, this partnership does not need to register a business name.

If Kathy White partners with Peter Jacobs who trades as Jacobs Consulting and they trade as Kathy White and Peter Jacobs, this partnership does need to register a business name.

+ Do I get a Business Name Certificate?

Yes, we’ll email this to you as soon as we have received it from ASIC.

+ How long does it take to register a business name?

Your name is immediately reserved once you complete our online business name application form which take about 10 minutes. It usually takes 2-5 business days for ASIC (Australian Government & Investments Commission) to review and approve your new name and issue your certificate of registration. We’ll get this over to you as soon as we receive it – now worries, no hassles.

+ How can I protect my business name?

Registering a business name does not protect you against third party claims for trade mark infringement. To ensure your proposed business name doesn't infringe on an existing registered trade mark, you should use IP Australia’s Australian Trade Mark Search to search for existing trademarks.

+ How much does it cost to register my business name?

You can either register your business name 1 year ($199) or 3 years ($297). Both packages come with $300 in free credit vouchers, business name certificate, ASIC and online processing fees, business resource toolkit, automatic renewal notification and updates and unlimited lifetime customer support.

+ When do I need to renew my business name?

Your name will need to be renewed by the end of the registration term, either 1 or 3 years, depending on what registration period you initially registered it for. Don’t worry, we've got that covered and we’ll send you a notification 45 days before the due date so you can renew your name.

+ What exactly do I get with my $300 free gift vouchers?

$100 Startup Credit Voucher: Use this voucher to buy any one of our Business Starter Pack that include everything your business needs to launch and find customers. $100 Google Ads credit: Grow your business with Google Ads. Grow online sales, bookings, or simply direct more people to your website. This offer is available to customers with a billing address in Australia only. To activate this offer you will need to spend $100 on Google Ads under an Adwords campaign with Servepoint Pty Ltd. $100 Office Workspace: To help get your business started, WOTSO is offering $100 off your first month membership at any one of their dynamic locations nationally.

ABN (Australian Business Number)

+ What is an ABN number?

An Australian Business Number (ABN) is a unique 11 digit number that identifies your business to the government and community. An ABN doesn't replace your tax file number, but it is used for various tax and other business purposes.

The Australian Business Number (ABN) enables businesses in Australia to deal with a range of government departments and agencies using a single identification number. The ABN is a public number which does not replace your tax file number.

ABN registration details become part of the Australian Business Register (ABR) which the ATO maintains on behalf of the Commonwealth. You can access the publicly available information contained in the ABR through the ABN Lookup website.

+ Do I need an ABN to register a Business Name?

Yes, to register a business name, you will need to have an Australian Business Number (ABN), or be in the process of applying for one. We can organise this for you at an additional fee. Simply click on Register ABN on the home page and follow the prompts.

+ How long does it take to register an ABN?

Provided you supply all the information required, you will usually receive notification of your new ABN number within 2-4 hours upon completion of the ABN application. If you omit information or it cannot be verified, an ABN will not be allocated immediately. Under these circumstances your application will be processed manually and can take up to 28 days. To check the progress of your application please contact the

+ Can I use the same ABN for more than one business?

You can conduct any number of businesses/activities under the same ABN provided they all operate under the same business structure. If your second or subsequent business operates under a different structure, you need to apply for separate ABNs for each new business structure.

+ What is the format of the ABN?

The Australian Business Number (ABN) is a unique 11 digit identifier issued to all entities registered in the Australian Business Register (ABR).
The 11 digit ABN is structured as a 9 digit identifier with two leading check digits. See format of the ABN for more information.

GST (Goods and Services Tax)

+ What is GST?

Goods and services tax, often known as GST, is a broad-based tax of 10% on most goods, services and other items sold or consumed in Australia. GST applies to most Australian businesses and it's highly likely that your business will be affected by the tax. If your business is registered for GST, you'll have to collect some extra money (one-eleventh of the sale price) from your customers and pay it to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) when it is due.

+ Do I need to register for GST?

You must register for GST if:

  • your business has a GST turnover of $75,000 or more
  • your non-profit organisation has a turnover of $150,000 per year or more
  • you provide taxi travel for passengers in exchange for a fare as part of your business, regardless of your GST turnover. This rule applies to both taxi owner drivers and people who just rent a taxi.

As a business owner, it's your responsibility to register for GST if your turnover exceeds the $75,000 threshold or is likely to exceed it.

The ATO advises that if you've just started a new business and expect it to earn $75,000 or more in its first year of operation, you should register for GST.

GST turnover is your business's gross income, not your business's profit.

If your business doesn't fit into one of the above categories, you don't have to register for GST.

+ When do I need to register?

If you haven't registered for GST, and you become aware that your GST turnover will exceed the $75,000 per year threshold, you will have to register for GST within 21 days.

It's a good idea to check each month to ensure you're not likely to go over the over the limit. Keeping an eye on your GST turnover is important so you can register if necessary.

If your GST turnover is below the $75,000, registering for GST is optional.

You may choose to register if your GST turnover is below the $75,000 threshold, however this means that once registered, regardless of your turnover, you must include GST in your fees and claim GST credits for your business purchases.

+ How do I register for GST?

You need an Australian Business Number (ABN) to register for GST. Your ABN is part of the GST system and your ABN will be used as your GST registration number. If you don't have an ABN and are registering for one, you can use our online dashboard to apply for an ABN. Simply go to register as a new user and select “Register GST”, it’s that easy.

+ What happens if I don't register for GST?

If your GST turnover is under $75,000 and you don't register for GST, you won't include a GST component in your prices. This means that any invoices you provide will need to show that GST was not included in the purchase price. You also can't claim GST credits for your business purchases.

+ How long does it take to register my business for GST?

Once your application is submitted, it takes around five working days to get GST Registration.


+ What are the benefits of Servepoint Business Starter Packs?

As Servepoint, we believe starting a business should be fast and simple for everyone.

That’s why our Business Starter Packs allow you to start your own business in minutes and come with free business name, ABN and domain name registration. Linked live to key government departments, you can instantly register your business name and set yourself up with everything you need to get your business started and find new customers, government certified and accredited.

Our business starter packs also allow you to save money and time by getting everything you’ll need all at the one place. Logo - Domain name – Website – Email – Stationary – Brochures – Flyers – Video – Social Media – Advertising – And more.. Done!

You’ll be government certified, fully compliant and ready to sell. All on day one!

See how much you’ll save here.

BUSINESS STARTER PACKS Retail value per item
Quick Start Business Accelerator Power Launch
Business name registration $ 199.00 $ 199.00 $ 199.00
ABN registration $ 79.00 $ 79.00 $ 79.00
GST registration $ 89.00 $ 89.00 $ 89.00
Business resource toolkit $ 69.00 $ 69.00 $ 69.00
Discounted domain name registration $ 49.00 $ 49.00 $ 49.00
Logo design $ 189.00 $ 189.00 $ 189.00
Stationary design $ 169.00 $ 169.00 $ 169.00
Website $ 199.00 $ 999.00 $ 1,499.00
Social media integration $ - $ 99.00 $ 99.00
Website hosting $ 149.00 $ 199.00 $ 249.00
Email setup $ - $ 99.00 $ 99.00
Google my business $ - $ 129.00 $ 129.00
SEO $ - $ - $ 310.00
Stock images $ - $ 75.00 $ 150.00
SSL certifcate $ - $ 112.00 $ 112.00
Google maps $ - $ 79.00 $ 79.00
Social media banners $ - $ 149.00 $ 149.00
Trademark pre-screening $ - $ - $ 49.00
Brochure design $ - $ - $ 699.00
Total Retail Cost $ 1,131.00 $ 2,723.00 $ 4,406.00
What you pay $ 499.00 $ 1,699.00 $ 2,999.00
What you save $632.00 $1,024.00 $1,407.00

+ What exactly do I get in my Business Starter Pack?

Our Business Starter Packs get your business registered with key government agencies super-fast and deliver all the tools to help you set-up, manage and market your business to the world. View Business Starter Packs and Pricing here.

+ How does it work?

Once you have purchased your business starter pack you will automatically receive a welcome email that has a link to your online order questionnaire. This questionnaire allows us to quickly get to the heart of your business, and then through inspiration and imagination, together we’ll create something special, launching your business in no time at all.

Please read all questions carefully prior to completing each section. If there are some sections that you don’t understand, no worries, we’re always here to answer any questions and guide you through the process. Your personal start-up consultant will also give you a call and introduce themselves, offering any assistance you may require. Understanding your vision and goals is crucial to building a thriving business.

+ How long does it take to complete my Business Starter Pack?

Depending on the package you have chosen and the number of revisions you have requested, the process usually takes anywhere from 5 to 21 days from the day you submit your completed online order questionnaire. Once you have completed and submitted your online information questionnaire the design and delivery process begins to work in overdrive. During this phase, our team will immerse itself into your business, its services and products and your market space to ensure we understand your value proposition, voice and objectives. This phase ensures we deliver a business starter pack that fits your needs and stands out amongst your competitors.

Developed business tools undergo rigorous analysis to ensure they meet your objectives, are memorable and possess storytelling power. Business tools that survive the evaluation process and screening are presented for your review. Once you have provided feedback, our team provides refinements to the brief and moves to redevelop your preferred designs and preferences until you have made your final decision so that you can begin the journey of turning your dream business into a reality.

Once the revisions have been completed, we will upload them so that you have the opportunity to request further revisions or approve and finalise your documents, logo’s, website, social media and other designs. The sooner you are able to respond to each review and provide the required information, the quicker this process will take.

Once you are completely satisfied with the final revisions, we will ask you to approve the final designs for processing, ready for you to download and launch.

+ How do I know which package best suits my business?

Sign up FREE today to learn which Business Starter Pack best suits your requirements. Our packages are designed keeping end-users in mind. We make it simple by removing all the complexities so you can quickly get your business up and running in no time at all.

If you are still unsure which package best suits your business requirements, give our customer support team a quick call on 1 300 00 NAME (6263) or drop us an email at and we will guide you through the process to make sure that you are getting exactly what your business needs.

+ What information do I need to provide in order to get started?

We ask you to complete a brief questionnaire that outlines a little bit about you, your business and what it offers. We also get to understand how you will sell your products and services, who you propose will be your client base and their demographics. During this phase, our team will immerse itself into your business, product and market to ensure we understand your value proposition, brand voice and business objectives. This phase ensures we deliver a solution that fits your needs and stands out amongst your competitors. You will also need to provide any photos you may want to use, samples of websites and logos that you really like and content that you would like to use and publish.

We will also require standard business information (Business name, contact details, contact name), list of products and/or services, detailed information of your products and services, business overview (biography & history), testimonials, case studies, media releases or expert articles.

Remember, you are the expert on your business, so it is crucial that we receive from you as much information as possible for the content of your website. This will also assist in the process being completed in a smaller time frame.

+ Does the Business Starter Pack include Business Name, ABN, GST and domain name registration?

Yes they do. As registered government agents we get your Business Name, ABN and GST registration free and in no time at all.

+ What additional features can I add to my Business Starter Pack?

We have a passion for helping customers to start, grow and develop their own business.

With this in mind we have a platform of business start-up services to help your business get set for success. Other services we provide include business name ideas, SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), Copywriting and Tender Writing, Google AdWords, Online eCommerce Stores, Brand Development, Social Media Management, Video production, corporate profiles and iStock photos.

We also understand how to set your business apart from the competition by creating email letters that will enchant and capture the reader and create new sales opportunities that will deliver real sales growth for your new business.

Simply go to your online dashboard to view all services that we offer.

+ Can I build my own business starter pack?

You’re the boss and you can do whatever you like.

Simply go to your online dashboard to view all services that we offer and starting your business, one step at a time.

+ Can I add more features to my website?

Adding more features to your website is easy. You can add a shopping cart (eCommerce), subscription form, additional pages, blog, etc. You can add these when we set up your website or at a later time. These services come at an additional cost and you can discuss this with your personal startup consultant.

+ I don’t have any images, can you help me?

If you don’t have any images that you can use for your website, no problem, we are able to assist in acquiring licensed images on your behalf. Some package do have an allowance for stock images, however if you do require more images, additional charges will apply.


+ What is a Trademark?

A trademark, trade mark, or trade-mark is a recognisable sign, design, or expression which identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others, although trademarks used to identify services are usually called service marks.

+ How do I register a trademark?

Registering your trademark is fast and easy, simply go to the main dashboard and select “Apply for a trademark” and complete the following steps.

  1. Complete order form questionnaire
  2. Once completed, simply proceed to checkout and process the order
  3. That’s it, your trademark application is now submitted. Please be aware that we may contact you for further information if required to do so.

+ What are the benefits of Trademark Registration?

Your brand is more than just your name or logo, it’s your most valuable asset. Benefits of registering a trademark include:

  • Stop other people from stealing your business name, logo or even a tagline.
  • Our online application makes registering a trademark fast and easy for everyone.
  • Simply let us know what you’d like to trade mark, the goods or services you'll be using it for and we'll secure your ownership and protection fast.
  • Get your application in today and beat your competitors before it’s too late.

+ How long is a trademark good for? How long does a trademark last?

A trade mark is initially registered for a period of 10 years in Australia and continues indefinitely as long as the renewal fees are paid every ten years. Registration fees must be paid within 6 months of advertised acceptance.

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